July 2022 - July 2023 Google Analytics

Past year analysis of website data from Google

Finding Citizen Connect

Using Google Analytics to look at the past patterns from July 2022 through July 2023, these are the statistics on audience development for the Citizen Connect site during that time period.

Unique Users

For the 12-month period examined, there were ~70,137 unique visitors to the site (mean of ~5,845/month)

Search Terms

The frequency of search terms used on Google to find citizen Connect are represented here size in a word cloud.

How Users Are Gained


The highest number of users are gained through paid search, with the second being direct acquisitions. The indicator is of the acquisitions coming from links embedded in emails, likely the Citizen Connect newsletter as the primary driver.

Social Media Acquisitions


Clearly, Facebook is the largest driver of traffic to Citizen Connect among social media channels. The presence on LinkedIn is small, so the engagement there is reasonable to expect. The Instagram engagement is reasonable as well. In addition to having a small presence in followers on Instagram, the social media plan has not included a linktree or similar traffic management tool. Links in Instagram posts are not clickable, but a linktree directing traffic to the event/content being promoted has helped drive this engagement higher since being implemented in fall 2022.

Geographical Distribution of Users